Many host families offer guest rooms and some also cabinas (rooms with individual access) with full board and lodging. The tourism commitee, represented by Doña Edith, is responsible for the assignment of a host family. Newcomers are asked to pay her a visit upon arrival.
12,000 colones per person per day for room and three meals from the 15th day of your stay onwards (as of May 2024).
15,000 colones per person per day during the first 14 days of your stay.
You can have your personal laundry washed for a small fee.
All payments are due in local currency.
The village phone is situated in front of the lower pulpería, next to the road (blue phone box). From within Costa Rica, it is possible to receive calls at 2771 6342 – it makes sense to agree on a time before calling, so that nobody has to search the village for you. Calling within Costa Rica is cheap, but it is very expensive to call abroad. The internet café “El Balcón” in San Isidro offers a cheap internet phone (Another option is Skype in the Longo Mai internet café).
On January 1, 2010, a little internet café was opened in Longo Mai (one laptop with mobile internet access). It's available daily from 2 PM to 8 PM and upon request.
Some groceries and cigarettes can be obtained in the pulperías. For a wider selection and for alcohol it is recommended that you go to San Isidro. Visitors are asked not to drink excessively in the street, as this leaves a very bad image. Also, drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes) should not be made accessible to children and teenagers.
Since we add chlorine to the tap water, you can drink it without hesitation at all times.
Keep in mind that Longo Mai is a tropical place. Protect yourself from the sun and drink sufficient water. Water (Rains in the mountains can cause rivers to swell rapidly), wind and lightning are other potential sources of danger. Earthquakes are usually rather light, injuries are unlikely. In case of a strong quake, protect yourself under a table or door frame – the earth quakes usually last only a few seconds.
When you leave the finca, store valuables and money inside your clothes. Instead of your passport, it is sufficient to take a copy of the first page and a copy of the permit/entry stamp along. It is best to leave the original in a safe place as you need it only for border crossings, banking transactions and such. Also in Longo Mai there have been thefts, so always lock your door and keep an eye on your belongings when you are out (e.g. never leave your camera/wallet unattended at the river)!
Health: In Longo Mai there is a large variety of medical plants and numerous people have great knowledge of their usage. In San Isidro there are many good doctors and the emergency room of the hospital in San Isidro is available for emergencies.
Public transportation in Costa Rica is very good, you will encounter a tight network of local, regional, trans-regional and international buses. The Longo Mai bus stop, which is located two kilometers from the village center at the Interamericana, is served from early morning until late evening from both directions. A detailed bus schedule and other handy information about Longo Mai are available for downloading. Right-click on the symbol below and choose "save as".

Last update: December 2015